Freedom Trucking, Llc

Address: Battle Mountain, Millard Fillmore Avenue 1769
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 08/09/2000

Dawson Farms Llc

Address: Battle Mountain, Lupin Drive 209
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 11/25/2002

Smokin' 75, L.L.C.

Address: Battle Mountain, Allen Road 1390
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 05/08/2003

Jtl Enterprises Llc

Address: Battle Mountain, Allen Road 1100
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 06/09/2003

The Extreme Body Shop, Llc.

Address: Battle Mountain, South Reese Street 168
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/17/2003

No Mercy Fitness L.L.C.

Address: Battle Mountain, East 4th Street 250
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 04/16/2004

V.K.-1, Llc

Address: Battle Mountain, West 3rd Street 75
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/23/2004

Antler Peak Investment Club - Limited Partnership

Address: Battle Mountain, Ranchette Avenue 420
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 01/17/1991

Himelspach - Derby Llc

Address: Battle Mountain, South Scott Street 185
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 01/28/1998

Donna'S Diner, Llc

Address: Battle Mountain, West Front Street 150
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 03/03/1998

Tri-Star Research, Limited Partnership

Address: Battle Mountain, Carson Road 285
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 03/03/1999

Small Mine Development Limited-Liability Company

Address: Battle Mountain, 3400 East Street 1400
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 07/09/1998

Malone & Heimbigner Property Investments, Llc

Address: Battle Mountain, Sheep Creek Road 740
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/06/1998

Battle Mountain Lions Club

Address: Battle Mountain, West 3rd Street 63
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/19/1954

First Baptist Church Of Battle Mountain, Nevada

Address: Battle Mountain, East 7th Street 445
Status: Active
Incorporation: 12/13/1968

The Lander Gun Club, Incorporated

Address: Battle Mountain, Wilson Street 806
Status: Active
Incorporation: 01/03/1969

Battle Mountain Parent Co-Operative Pre-School, Inc.

Address: Battle Mountain, Presidential Boulevard 1585
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/26/1973

Battle Mountain Little League

Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 05/29/1985

Filippini Ranching Co.

Address: Battle Mountain, West 4th Street 54
Status: Active
Incorporation: 07/30/1976

Citizens For Mining Association

Address: Battle Mountain, North 2nd Street 870
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 03/07/1977

Lander County Historical Society And Museum, Incorporated

Address: Battle Mountain, Ranchette Avenue 325
Status: Active
Incorporation: 09/25/1979

Battle Mountain Youth Leagues, Incorpora

Address: Battle Mountain, Indian Springs Court 184
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 10/05/1979

Bpc Supply Co.

Address: Battle Mountain, Chukar Lane 1020
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/15/1980

Advancement, Inc.

Address: Battle Mountain, East 7th Street 110
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/21/1981

Peninsula Creamery

Address: Battle Mountain, Mount Lewis Drive 70
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 07/12/1982

Battle Mountain Jazznastics, Incorporated

Address: Battle Mountain, Elquist Drive 330
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 07/19/1983

Battle Mountain Church Of Christ, Inc.

Address: Battle Mountain, West Antelope Drive 417
Status: Active
Incorporation: 01/19/1984

Lander County Art Association, Inc.

Address: Battle Mountain, Elquist Drive 621
Status: Active
Incorporation: 08/07/1985

The New Battle Mountain Chamber Of Commerce, Inc.

Address: Battle Mountain, West 3rd Street 85
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 05/30/1986

Lander County Committee Against Domestic Violence

Address: Battle Mountain, West 3rd Street 190
Status: Active
Incorporation: 03/04/1987

P.A. Davis Drilling Corporation

Address: Battle Mountain, 3300 East Street 1565
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 04/27/1988

Ed'S Tire Service, Incorporated

Address: Battle Mountain, Hill Top Road 1571
Status: Active
Incorporation: 06/27/1988

American Minerals Corporation

Address: Battle Mountain, 3300 East Street 1565
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 01/26/1989

Davis Gold Mining Co.

Address: Battle Mountain, 3300 East Street 1565
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/22/1989

Battle Mountain Realty, Inc.

Address: Battle Mountain, South Reese Street 142
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 03/08/1989

Battle Mountain Lifeline Program, Inc.

Address: Battle Mountain, Eastgate Drive 305
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/22/1990

The Nathan Ministry

Address: Battle Mountain, 3300 East Street 1565
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 06/08/1990

Lander Radio Control Club

Address: Battle Mountain, West 3rd Street 85
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/17/1990

Battle Mountain Women'S Club, Inc.

Address: Battle Mountain, East 2nd Street 140
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 05/23/1991

Sm&S, Inc.

Address: Battle Mountain, John Tyler Avenue 3435
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 06/24/1991