Nevada Empress Management Company, Llc

Address: Goldfield, Elliot Avenue
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/10/2004

International Diggers Llc

Address: Goldfield, North Main Street
Status: Default
Incorporation: 07/19/2004

D & G Enterprises, Limited Partnership

Address: Goldfield, North 5th Avenue
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 06/15/1987

Western Diggers Llc

Address: Goldfield, 5th Avenue 1000
Status: Expired
Incorporation: 01/23/1998

Nevada Empress Gold Mining And Milling Company, Lp

Address: Goldfield, Elliot Avenue
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/10/2004

Pine Valley Builders, Inc.

Address: Goldfield, Columbia Mount Street
Status: Active
Incorporation: 07/06/1964

Columbia Gold Mines, Ltd.

Address: Goldfield, Columbia Mount Street
Status: Active
Incorporation: 07/16/1968

Apache Aggregates

Address: Goldfield, North 5th Avenue 1000
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/24/1970

Nevada Amateur Radio Association Of Las Vegas, Inc.

Address: Goldfield, Euclid Avenue 306
Status: Active
Incorporation: 09/01/1977

Goldfield Ore Processing, Inc.

Address: Goldfield, North Main Street
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 10/22/1980

The Goldfield Historical Society

Address: Goldfield, Columbia Avenue
Status: Active
Incorporation: 09/16/1983

Goldfield Chamber Of Commerce, Inc.

Address: Goldfield, 2nd Street
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 04/13/1987

Esmeralda County Secret Witness, Inc.

Address: Goldfield, Crook Avenue 233
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 04/22/1987

Esmeralda County Law Enforcement Association

Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/25/1988

Earth Minerals Corporation

Address: Goldfield, 4th Street
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/08/1990

Nevada Fireworks, Manufacturing & Display, Inc.

Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 11/16/1993

Gold Research International

Address: Goldfield, 5th Avenue
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 03/14/1994

J & K Construction

Address: Goldfield, Franklin Avenue 266
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 04/10/1996

Tonopah Motorcycle And Trailer Works, Incorporated

Address: Goldfield, Crook Avenue 233
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/27/1997

International Foundation For The Blind,Inc.

Address: Goldfield, 4th Street
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 08/20/1997

L.W. Ram, Inc.

Address: Goldfield, Crook Avenue 233
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/16/1997

Goldfield Chamber Of Commerce

Address: Goldfield, Crook Avenue 307
Status: Active
Incorporation: 03/31/1998

Blackhawk Associates

Address: Goldfield, Sundog Avenue 310
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 07/20/1998

Goldfield Firefighters Association

Address: Goldfield, Euclid Avenue
Status: Active
Incorporation: 01/21/1999

The Suzy Boedecker Foundation

Address: Goldfield, Horn Street
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 04/13/1999

Austringer & Mead

Address: Goldfield, Horn Street
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 12/27/2010

Asia-Pacific Communications

Address: Goldfield, Horn Street
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 05/03/2000

Vipc Communications

Address: Goldfield, Horn Street
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 05/03/2000

Western Reserve Corporation

Address: Goldfield, Lida Avenue
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 08/11/2000

Neptune'S Chest

Address: Goldfield, Horn Street
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/13/2000

Ceiba Exploration Llc

Address: Goldfield, 4th Street
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/07/2007

Battle Born Historical Reproductions Llc.

Address: Goldfield, Columbia Mount Street
Status: Active
Incorporation: 04/09/2016

Gems Of The Great Basin Llc

Address: Goldfield, Crook Avenue 274
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 07/19/2011

Zggz Inc

Address: Goldfield, 5th Street
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 12/13/2007

Goldfield Historic High School

Address: Goldfield, 5th Avenue 532
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/18/2001

Ginzo Llc

Address: Goldfield, Bellevue Avenue 161
Status: Active
Incorporation: 12/15/2016

Goldfield High School Museum

Address: Goldfield, 5th Avenue 532
Status: Active
Incorporation: 03/26/2008

The Medical Joint

Address: Goldfield, Horn Street
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 03/12/2012

Goldfield Historic District

Address: Goldfield, Crook Avenue 325
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 03/16/2012

B & G Designs

Address: Goldfield, Horn Street
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 07/29/2012