Hacker, Llc

Address: Henderson, Indigo Springs Street 477
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 08/24/1998

Rittoff 3, L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Tree Top Court 1514
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/25/1998

Rittoff 4, L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Tree Top Court 1514
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/25/1998

Rittoff 5, L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Tree Top Court 1514
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/25/1998

Rittoff 6, L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Tree Top Court 1514
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/25/1998

Internet Marketing Partners, Llc

Address: Henderson, Somersby Way 1843
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/31/1998

Yft Limited Liability Company

Address: Henderson, Sunset Way 6
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/09/1998

Mamz, Llc

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1489
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/16/1998

Citadel Group, Llc

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1489
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/24/1998

Save The Day, Llc

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1489
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 10/07/1998

Shack-Findlay Automotive, Llc

Address: Henderson, North Gibson Road 310
Status: Active
Incorporation: 10/08/1998

Legacy Advertsing Group L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Sunset Way 3
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 10/12/1998

Spaalat L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Sunset Way 3
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 10/13/1998

Arroyo Grande Springs, Llc

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1510
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 10/13/1998

Printco Printing L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Sunset Way 3
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 10/22/1998

Concordia-Fairfield L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, American Pacific Drive 980
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 10/23/1998

Black Mountain Legacy Development Group L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Sunset Way 3
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 10/29/1998

Insynch Unlimited L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Sunset Way 3
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 11/05/1998

Jacks Properties I, Llc

Address: Henderson, Whitney Ranch Drive 1057
Status: Active
Incorporation: 11/05/1998

Jacks Vegas Drive, Llc

Address: Henderson, Whitney Ranch Drive 1057
Status: Active
Incorporation: 11/05/1998

Grey Eagle Development & Investment Group, Llc

Address: Henderson, East Sunset Road 4600
Status: Expired
Incorporation: 11/09/1998

Charlot Blanc, Llc.

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1489
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 11/16/1998

Crown Investments, Llc.

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1489
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 11/20/1998

Y.N.Y., Llc.

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1489
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 11/20/1998

7885 West Flamingo, L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Galleria Drive 1349
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 11/23/1998

Jssf Llc

Address: Henderson, Lucerne Circle 2217
Status: Active
Incorporation: 12/01/1998

Findlay-Shack Properties, Llc

Address: Henderson, North Gibson Road 310
Status: Active
Incorporation: 12/02/1998

Plon Holdings, Llc

Address: Henderson, Quail Run Road 28
Status: Active
Incorporation: 12/03/1998

The Charter Group, Llc

Address: Henderson, Sunset Way 3
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 12/03/1998

Corbieres, A Limited Liability Company

Address: Henderson, Whitney Ranch Drive 1057
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 12/08/1998

Dean Publishing Ltd.

Address: Henderson, North Green Valley Parkway 2756
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 12/14/1998

International Transitional Housing, Llc

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1489
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 12/15/1998

Grill Restaurant Venture Partners I, L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Galleria Drive 1349
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 12/18/1998

Daion, Llc

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1489
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 12/24/1998

Amicus, Llc

Address: Henderson, West Warm Springs Road 1489
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 12/30/1998

Dgr Sales And Consulting, L.L.C.

Address: Henderson, Wicklow Way 1689
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 12/31/1998

Never Say Die, Llc

Address: Henderson, Coral Fountain Street 312
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 12/31/1998

Alan Ivy Llc

Address: Henderson, La Mancha Way 3207
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 01/06/1999

Northstar Investors Llc

Address: Henderson, North Green Valley Parkway 2245
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 01/14/1999

S.I.S., Ltd.

Address: Henderson, North Green Valley Parkway 2756
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 01/15/1999