Rye Patch Enterprises, Llc

Address: Lovelock, Beaumont Trail
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/18/2000

Privet Software Llc

Address: Lovelock, Central Avenue 1590
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 09/12/2000

Tent Cot Llc

Address: Lovelock, Cornell Avenue 925
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 04/04/2001

Salinas & Associates Int'L Consulting Llc

Address: Lovelock, Edna Purviance Way
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 06/22/2001

Classic Oil And Lube, Llc

Address: Lovelock, Cornell Avenue 775
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 03/20/2002

Sacred Springs Enterprises, Llc

Address: Lovelock, Elmhurst Avenue 1605
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 03/22/2002

Campbell Station, Llc

Address: Lovelock, North Meridian Road 1250
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 05/19/2003

K B F Homes Llc

Address: Lovelock, Central Avenue 1135
Status: Default
Incorporation: 02/27/2004

Palisades Real Estate Options, L.L.C.

Address: Lovelock, Fuss Road 1100
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 05/06/2004

Kumiva Group, Llc

Address: Lovelock, Fuss Road 1100
Status: Active
Incorporation: 06/08/2004

Kamprite Llc

Address: Lovelock, Cornell Avenue 925
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 01/14/2005

Franklin Avenue Apartments, Llc

Address: Lovelock, Reservoir Road 350
Status: Active
Incorporation: 01/21/2005

Mcdougal Ranch, Llc

Address: Lovelock, West Reservation Road 1375
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 01/25/2005

The Wagner Family Limited Partnership

Address: Lovelock, Delta Place 1550
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 08/04/1987

Silver Pines Mobile Home Park, A Nevada Limited Partnership

Address: Lovelock, Elmhurst Avenue 1595
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 11/14/1989

Pjr #1 Limited Partnership

Status: Cancelled
Incorporation: 04/03/1990

Pjr #2 Limited Partnership

Status: Cancelled
Incorporation: 02/18/1993

The Jkd Building Limited Partnership

Address: Lovelock, East Broadway 720
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/15/1994

The List Family Limited Partnership

Address: Lovelock, North Meridian Road 2000
Status: Cancelled
Incorporation: 10/25/1995

Blue Kirio, Llc

Address: Lovelock, Beaumont Trail
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 07/06/1998

Skipper Limited Partnership

Address: Lovelock, Cornell Avenue 205
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 10/06/1999

Lnmbc Limited Partnership

Address: Lovelock, Old Victory Highway 5850
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 09/18/2000

T.J.-1 Family Limited Partnership

Address: Lovelock, Old Victory Highway 5850
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 05/30/2002

Makenna One Family Limited Partnership

Address: Lovelock, Old Victory Highway 5850
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 06/17/2002

Grace United Methodist Church Of Lovelock, Nevada

Address: Lovelock, Delta Place 1695
Status: Active
Incorporation: 09/07/1909

Pitt Mill & Elevator Company

Address: Lovelock, Marzen Lane 15
Status: Default
Incorporation: 05/31/1918

Black Bird Gold Mine,Inc.

Address: Lovelock, 15th Street 455
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/14/1938

List Cattle Company

Address: Lovelock, North Meridian Road 2000
Status: Active
Incorporation: 08/14/1952

Lovelock Flying Saucer Trap Club, Inc.

Address: Lovelock, Central Avenue 1135
Status: Active
Incorporation: 04/11/1956

Pershing County Horsemen'S Association

Address: Lovelock, Central Avenue 1440
Status: Expired
Incorporation: 01/06/1958

Lovelock Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.

Address: Lovelock, Central Avenue 1135
Status: Active
Incorporation: 01/22/1959

Olaf Thomsen, President Of Redeemer Lutheran Church, And His Suc- Cessors, A Sole Corporation

Address: Lovelock, Central Avenue 1135
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 11/13/1964

C Punch Ranch, Inc.

Address: Lovelock, Fuss Road 1100
Status: Active
Incorporation: 11/19/1968

Star City Mill And Mining Company

Address: Lovelock, Central Avenue 1135
Status: Revoked
Incorporation: 02/28/1969

Imlay Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.

Address: Lovelock, Central Avenue 1135
Status: Active
Incorporation: 03/19/1969

Lovelock Frontier Days

Address: Lovelock, Central Avenue 1135
Status: Active
Incorporation: 08/02/1971

Lovelock Chapter #1080 Of American Assoc

Address: Lovelock, Main Street 400
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 07/18/1972

Johnson Ranch, Inc.

Address: Lovelock, South Meridian Road 4605
Status: Active
Incorporation: 01/02/1975

Carpenter'S Equipment, Inc.

Address: Lovelock, South Meridian Road 1905
Status: Dissolved
Incorporation: 01/30/1975

City Auto Parts And Supply,Inc.

Address: Lovelock, Cornell Avenue 340
Status: Permanently Revoked
Incorporation: 02/27/1975